Today is the last day of #Movember. Honestly, I have to admit, it has been a journey on so many levels.
Let me explain and try to sum up a month of experiences into this one small post.
First of all, without doing much promotion at all, my team raised over 2K. Good job everyone! That in itself is great to know that we helped raise money to support a good cause.
A few other insights that came out of participating in Movember:
- People are much quicker to ask about a mustache then they are about a beard. The simple fact that the MO was there, made people pause and seemingly gave them permission to start talking about it. I can’t explain the logic behind it, but something about a mustache causes people to talk. Which is why I think the guys who created Movember are some kind of insightful marketing geniuses. I will admit that it was a relief to shave my stash last night knowing that I won’t get that question for another 11 months. But I liked telling the story. People didn’t always understand how a mustache cures cancer (my movember rebuttal post will have to be more thorough next year), but they were asking the questions and I told them it was for charity they usually just nodded and walked away. This was probably the best accomplishment of this entire month. Because I knew what to talk about, I was prepared to answer people’s questions or send them in the right direction for answers. For sure more people heard me talk about Movember than contributed money, but that in itself was an accomplishment.
- Stepping outside your comfort zone: I regularly get into a conversation with a friend in my office about her comfort level using social media. You might guess by the simple fact that I have not linked to her that her comfort level is low (to say the least). Finally, I made a breakthrough while talking about the mustache that one of the great accomplishments with it is stepping outside of your comfort zone. I am a regular reader of Matt Cutts blog and something he has been doing, which I never gave much thought to, are 30 challenges. Staying committed to something new outside your comfort zone helps you grow as a person and experience new things. It keeps life exciting. Well, I consider this mustache a sign of commitment and the accomplishment of my first 30 challenge. My Next 30 day challenge will start soon. I think I will try meditation for 15 minutes a day.
A few more learning’s:
- When you have a mustache and your kid throws a temper tantrum in the aquarium, people WILL give you strange looks when you try to pull him away.
- Everyone has a doppelganger that not only looks like you, but apparently does the same things at the same time as you.
Well, that’s all I got for now. Thank you everyone for helping out, supporting a great cause and tolerating my Mo.
Mustache, out!