Clearly, my laziness to write a basic blog post is evident in the last post prior to this. I will address that, but I had a fleeting thought I didn’t want to pass.
It occurred to me that laziness comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Take the gym for example. There are those that are so lazy that they can’t even be bothered to go to the gym. And there are those, like the “older” man I saw at the gym (perhaps in his 60s) the other day who said he prefer to use this machine over the free weights because it was easier and he was “lazy”. Which sounds absurd. Good on you that you made it to the gym at all, and if that’s what you want to be lazy about, take it.
Often, I feel the same way. It’s not that I won’t go to the gym, because I will, and I won’t miss it. But sometimes, I am feeling a bit tired and physically drained, so I take it easier. Perhaps I take more breaks in between sets. Use a bit less weight, but I am there.
There are varying degrees of lazinerss. Just like there are varying degrees of anything. Varying degrees of glutoney. What might be pigging out and eating horribly for one person, might be extrordinarily healthy for another.
To address the blog, or lack there of. My laziness is coming up with something that I feel is blog worthy. There are lists I keep in evernote of topics I want to write about and drafts I have started and then decided not to do anything with or got distraced and never finished.

And it’s not as though I am not writing. I write every day for work. But my priorities are more focused on what I produce there rather than my own blog, which lets face it, really isn’t an industry leading publication, more of my own silly musings and ramblings.
All that said, there is always room to improve and always room top push a little harder. I will NOT commit to writing here more often, but I will think about it and hopefully, instead of watching an extra youtube video or scrolling through Instagram, I might just push myself to get some thoughts out into the world that no one will read.
Until then…