When Facebook first came out, it was new and exciting being able to connect with friends from the past. One feature, which I know myself along with many other people used as a harmless flirting mechanism was none other than the poke. And no, I am not talking in the creepy way of randomly poking people with an attractive picture, I am talking about the more endeering type, as in, we are dating and to let you know I am thinking about you…. POKE.
But then apps came around, and things like the “super poke” and other strange variations started showing up. I guess I just lost interest, and I suspect I am not the only one and just started ignoring any pokes that came in, even the one that was going back and forth between me and my wife when we were dating. And it just sat there and became yet another place on the page I didnt pay attention too.
Last night, as I was sitting in bed with my laptop, I thought it would be funny and as a joke, I responded to my wife’s poke and waited. When I heard her phone buzz, I snickered to myself but tried not to let down my guard.
Finally, she picked up her phone to check her email. “What the hell” I hear her say. Knowing full well what she is talking about, I played dumb and responded “what happened?” Again, is an almost annoyed voice she says “its been like 5 years!”.
Apparently I have let that stupid post lapse for a long time. And it made me wonder if anyone actually uses pokes anymore and what the value of them are now and days.
I can almost guarantee that if you try to poke someone you are hoping to connect with professionally, you have likely thrown all chances of that out the window! And as far as flirting goes, I have been out of the dating game for a while, but I suspect a similar situation.
Do you still use pokes? Does anyone? What are the uses for them