When Google+ first came out a couple months ago, I embraced and applauded the open-ness. It was refreshing to be able to connect with all sorts of people I otherwise might not have. And I did. Dont get me wrong, I even created a circle of people who circled me that I didnt know, but wanted to. I truly embraced it and no one can accuse me of not.
But for the love of all things good on the internet, Google + really has a spam problem!
See exhibit A:
You have to give props to facebook. Sure they had a spam problem, but it never quite felt as bad as Google+ and actually seemed like they were doing something to combat it. And as far as twitter goes, well, they have junk flying at you from all directions anyway. The whole premise behind using twitter in the first place is about filtering out the crap. A little more really isnt such a big deal.
I expected something a little more quality from Google+ to be real honest. After all this is not their first attempt at a social network. You would think they would have figured a way to de-bug some of these things.
I know I can turn off the setting, but then I wont know when I get a real connection.
Honestly, the Google + hype has kinda ended for me. I see it as less and less of a threat to Facebook. I just wish Facebook would do something about becoming a little more open, like Twitter and Google +.
But that is for another time… What do you think about the Google+ Spam? Is it ruining your experience as well and making you reconsider?