Well, its not exactly six months that we have been living in Israel, (its about 5) but I have been working at Kahena for about 6. And it is a new year, so I thought this would be a nice milestone to start writing again. Because of the way the holidays fell out this year, Sunday marks the first full work week we will have in a month.
So where do I even start?!?!
Seeking Inspiration
The other day I asked on Facebook for some inspiration and I got some great ideas from my friends there. I also spent a couple hours just trolling around on Twitter, reconnecting, listening, and observing.
I gotta say, I left inspired and re-invigorated.
Proactive vs. Reactive
One of the big things for me has been at work. Its been amazing at Kahena. Really, we are doing some awesome things there. As a team, we are really pushing the needle and I am proud of what we have done. That said, for me personally, its been strange. I have felt almost entirely reactive in what I do. I am constantly jumping between projects, helping, advising, and mentoring. But, I am missing the proactive parts. The parts that are going to make me jump out of bed and get excited. How can I contribute to the company rather than react to what is already there?
Changing Things Up
So I have decided to take a few things on:
- Blogging: I need to start doing this more regularly. Blogging has always been one of my strongest creative outlets. I know more great things will start coming out once I start penning it all down on paper.At this point, I don’t want to over commit so I am going to settle on 5 posts a month (one personal and one work for sure, and then we will see). This site will likely be taking on a whole new feel which will have more to do with my personal growth, professional growth, and observations. The industry stuff will live on the Kahena blog (which I also want to re-invigorate).
- Organization: I need to be better at it. This includes time blocking, to do lists, and planning. I recognize my flaws and know where I need to improve. So, starting today, I am back on an organized Trello. I am back on the hunt to #Inbox0. I am turning a new leaf.
- Goal setting: I need to set realistic and achievable goals for myself. I will try to be as transparent as possible about them (in some cases I don’t know if I will be able to) and share my progress with everyone. Some things for sure will be included in there are
- Exercise / healthy life. I am starting the insanity workout, so wish me luck.
- Reading. I have an enormous stack of books I need to start getting through. Aiming for one book a month.
- 30 day challenges (those will come soon)
And that’s it.
Here is to new beginnings!
Stay tuned 🙂