Today is the last day of #Movember. Honestly, I have to admit, it has been a journey on so many levels. Let me explain and try to sum up a month of experiences into this one small post. First of all, without doing much promotion at all, my team raised over 2K. Good job everyone! […]
Search Engine Land Post: Freshness Update + Social Media = Happy Users
I had a new post up on Search Engine Land today. The topic deals with the Google Freshness Update and how adding in social media can significantly improve your visibility in the SERP. A couple of the tips I gave were: Ensure content is current and up to date as well as create a full […]
Our Kids will Make us Feel Old
This time of year always brings for me a sense of reflection. I like to reflect. I like to look back on the things I have and see how they have changed and how time has made improvements on them. The other day I had one of those experiences. While we were visiting my parents […]
Search Engine Land Post: Control Your Message With Social Sharing & Open Graph
My first post is up in Search Engine Land. The topic was on Learning to control your message with social sharing and the open graph. Basically, I wrote about the importance of including social media in a general site audit. I put the focus on the open graph protocol and social share buttons since they […]
Movember Objections and Rebuttals
November 1st marks the begining of an awesome charity called Movember where men grow out their mustache to support prostate cancer research. I joined the Search for The Cure team with Matt Cutts and Duane Forrester. It should be an exciting month with a lot of strange looks and a lot of explaining the mustache […]
Radian6 Post: How Search and Social Media Can Play Nice in a Digital Plan
I have a new post up on the Radian6 Blog which deals with how search marketing and social media can leverage and work off each other. Basically, to sum it up, its no secret that the engines are taking into account social signals. In this post, I highlight one method how social media can enhance […]
Didn’t you get my poke?
When Facebook first came out, it was new and exciting being able to connect with friends from the past. One feature, which I know myself along with many other people used as a harmless flirting mechanism was none other than the poke. And no, I am not talking in the creepy way of randomly poking people with […]