(This post originally appeared on the Radian6 blog… which no longer exists… so I copied it over here 🙂 Too bad it was taken down, because the comments were great! ) As human beings we all need to “shut down” once in a while. Everyone deserves a nice, restful vacation. But our brand never […]
Twitter is here to stay
I suspect many others have had a similar experience. When Google + first came out, I got an invite on day one (which obviously made me feel special). I quickly closed out of Facebook, shut down tweet deck and got off twitter so I could give my undivided attention to G+. What I learned And I learned […]
The New “Like +1” Button
Wait a second, you’re thinking, I know about Facebooks “Like” Button, and I know about Google’s “+1” Button, but what is a “Like +1” Button? Glad you asked. I introduce you to “Like Plus One”, a browser extension created by Ashkan Soltani and Brian Kennish which was built, as they joke at the top to “reduces your risk […]
The Future of Search and Social
More and more, I find myself getting into conversations about the search marketing and social media landscape. What does the future look like? Where is this industry headed? Well, right now, no one knows for sure. And more or less, everyone I come into contact seems to have a nugget of information, or something they […]
Un- Clog drain’s with my viral video
I thought about posting this video a while ago when I realized it had over 6,000 views, teaching some of kind of lesson about creating viral videos. But then something happened this weekend. The Background About a year and a half ago, my wife and I bought our first Condo. We quickly realized the water in the […]
Google’s Powerful Position for Mobile Wallet
News broke yesterday that Google is rolling out a new product called Google Wallet. For starters, this should come as no surprise to anyone that this technology would be in the works. And second of all, it should come as no surprise to anyone that Google would be heavily involved in creating the ‘digital wallet’. […]
Digital and Social Media Acronyms
A couple weeks ago, in an office meeting, someone commented how there are all these industry acronyms associated with digital media and they couldn’t keep up with all of them. So I decided o put together a list of all the digital media and marketing acronyms I could think of. My blog is NOT a dictionary, and […]