There are conflcting reports about the current state of Google Plus. A Techcrunch article, Raise your Hand if your still using Google+, seems to indicate the the fad is dying off and no one is really using it any longer. Hitwise is also reporting the dwindling numbers. Contrary to that, Mashable seems to think they still have hope […]
Personalized Search Panel at SMX East
At SMX East, there was a talk on The Current State of Personalized Search. The panel consisted of Jack Menzel from Google and Stefan Weitz from Bing. Danny Sullivan was the moderator. A few interesting thoughts came out of this: 1. There is no longer anything called Personalized Search (said Stefan Weitz). All search is personal. Its […]
Spam on Google+
When Google+ first came out a couple months ago, I embraced and applauded the open-ness. It was refreshing to be able to connect with all sorts of people I otherwise might not have. And I did. Dont get me wrong, I even created a circle of people who circled me that I didnt know, but wanted to. […]
Facebook, I Love You, But Please Step Up Your Game
Dear Facebook, You know I’m one of your biggest fans. In fact, when you first showed up at my school, back in April of 2005, while I had no idea what you were, it was love at first click. And yes, there have been issues along the way: privacy concerns, claims to my personal information […]
Ramifications to Shortening Google Plus URL
The Ugly G+ URL Understandably, everyone seems to be very concerned with the appearance of their Google Plus URL. And I get it. It’s a big ugly URL that’s not necessarily ideal for sharing. But before you go ahead and create shortned versions of your G+ URL, using URL shortening tools or other methods for […]
Out of Office Irony
To my great surprise, my friend Amanda sent me an email today giving me a heads up that I was mentioned in the Minnesota Public Relations Blog. I couldn’t help but notice the irony of it because I was in fact out of the office. Yes, I did respond to her, and you better believe […]
We All Take Vacation – Guest post on Radian6′s Social Strategy Blog
I had the opportunity again to post on the Radian6 Social Strategy Blog. The topic was about how community managers should handle social media when they are out of the office. Some nice conversation’s came out of it. And to add to it, my new friend Pat McCarthy, over at WOMMA who blogs for the […]